A few months back I gushed and gushed about this baby girl, shared a Welcome Home video and then gushed and gushed some more. Well, I have more gushing to do and another video. 'Cause my sweet little China nugget is turning 1 (on Momma's birthday, no less), getting baptized, growing emotionally and physically-ever-so-quickly, and digging a deeper hole in the hearts of MANY. She's an infectious, adorable, heart-stopping miracle. And She.Is.A.Trooper. We put her through the ringer and she ate it up. Her Mommy and Daddy have been SO gracious in letting me share in her wonder and love. Being with them, with her, makes joy burst through my fingertips, and being able to capture it with my camera was a gift to ME. Had enough gushing, yet? Sorry, peeps. It's impossible not to. IMPOSSIBLE. Check her out and you'll understand a piece of my love for this God-given blessing and dream come true. And God was showing off with her. Really. Okay, okay, enough gushing...
This is her rocking Momma's hat...Momma rocks it pretty good, too. Just sayin'.

That's her passport. Her ticket to ride. And she's alright.

Perfect shirt brought home from China. She rocks that, too... I love Mommy & Daddy's face in the background, don't you?

...heart...skipping....beats... that's one goooood lookin' family, folks.

E has rockstar parents. Mom proves this by her spicey duds. E will steal them someday.

Not sure this needs an intro...

So, here we start proving her amazing ability to adapt. In a brick window...adorable, no less.

In a flower pot. Way too stinkin' cute.

Outfit change #4: baptism dress. Handmade by grandma, using Mommy's wedding dress. I know, right?!

E with Mommy's camera. You think I'm good- my girl, H can rock a shutter button.

Daddy's drums... of which, she LOVES. Daddy AND his drums...she's minutes away from crowd surfing. Swear.

Annnd, my birthday girl in her tutu....
See! See why I gush?! It's wrong on many levels to ohhhh and ahhh over my own lovelies, but you CAN NOT stop me with this chick. No chance. Don't try. Oh, and of course, slideshow below. 'Cause I know you're ready for the full course after this hors d'oeuvre.
There just seems to be gushing all around. My parents, friends, neighbors, FB acquaintances. God's hand is at work. Her arrival proves it to us daily. And we are humbled. xo Lucy