(And I'm good with that! Just sayin'...)
I've been a bad, bad blogger girl. In reality, I've just been crazy buried under edits. FYI, that's no complaint, folks. If you could see me, my finger would have pointed to the sky during that sentence...well, after that sentence. I can't type one handed.
God has been ooooohhh-so-good to me over the last month and it just keeps getting better! I've been able to share moments with some awesome people. It's insanely overwhelming. And incredibly humbling. And crazy fun. And...And...And. It really is something when you begin to understand God's ways and timing. I marvel in His mercies and graces DAILY, but to reach a point and to know that He's saying, "See! I told you!", is...well, perfect.
I'd also like to touch on something, being that I've "gone all God" on ya. A little birdie mentioned being careful about mixing business with God and too much personality. Upon a little minor research, I was reading much of the same from hot shot pros....
But that's my name you see on the photos, y'all. I may not be some hot shot business owner, making millions, but I AM ME and I'm just tryin' to keep it real. My work is about me doing what I love, for people I love, in the name of art, in the name of love and in the name of God. If my passion can build into a business, it will be because of God! He does 95% of the work. I push a button on a camera. He provides the gift, the scenery and most important, the precious babies and full-of-life kids and perfect families and love and joy and passion. Period. So, keeping God out of my business just ain't gonna happen! And my personality? Well, not including "so much" of that would be like being a mom that never has to change a diaper or scream in a pillow or prop a bottle because she's been holding off going potty for three hours. Impossible, folks.
I do not say any of this to offend. I do not expect everyone I encounter to hold my beliefs. But I will never sacrifice staying true to myself and my Savior at the sake of making a buck. NicoleLee Photography is built under God, for God and by God. And for pete's sakes, if I left out all of my quirks and the "rock my socks" and "folks" and "totally tubular dudes", I may as well knock out the first part of NLP!
On to the photos, folks. They're beautes.
*Natasha Bedingfield, Unwritten
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
the more I learn, the more I love...the more my heart can't get enough...*
A few months back I gushed and gushed about this baby girl, shared a Welcome Home video and then gushed and gushed some more. Well, I have more gushing to do and another video. 'Cause my sweet little China nugget is turning 1 (on Momma's birthday, no less), getting baptized, growing emotionally and physically-ever-so-quickly, and digging a deeper hole in the hearts of MANY. She's an infectious, adorable, heart-stopping miracle. And She.Is.A.Trooper. We put her through the ringer and she ate it up. Her Mommy and Daddy have been SO gracious in letting me share in her wonder and love. Being with them, with her, makes joy burst through my fingertips, and being able to capture it with my camera was a gift to ME. Had enough gushing, yet? Sorry, peeps. It's impossible not to. IMPOSSIBLE. Check her out and you'll understand a piece of my love for this God-given blessing and dream come true. And God was showing off with her. Really. Okay, okay, enough gushing...
This is her rocking Momma's hat...Momma rocks it pretty good, too. Just sayin'.

That's her passport. Her ticket to ride. And she's alright.

Perfect shirt brought home from China. She rocks that, too... I love Mommy & Daddy's face in the background, don't you?

...heart...skipping....beats... that's one goooood lookin' family, folks.

E has rockstar parents. Mom proves this by her spicey duds. E will steal them someday.

Not sure this needs an intro...

So, here we start proving her amazing ability to adapt. In a brick window...adorable, no less.

In a flower pot. Way too stinkin' cute.

Outfit change #4: baptism dress. Handmade by grandma, using Mommy's wedding dress. I know, right?!

E with Mommy's camera. You think I'm good- my girl, H can rock a shutter button.

Daddy's drums... of which, she LOVES. Daddy AND his drums...she's minutes away from crowd surfing. Swear.
This is her rocking Momma's hat...Momma rocks it pretty good, too. Just sayin'.
That's her passport. Her ticket to ride. And she's alright.

Perfect shirt brought home from China. She rocks that, too... I love Mommy & Daddy's face in the background, don't you?
...heart...skipping....beats... that's one goooood lookin' family, folks.
E has rockstar parents. Mom proves this by her spicey duds. E will steal them someday.
Not sure this needs an intro...

So, here we start proving her amazing ability to adapt. In a brick window...adorable, no less.

In a flower pot. Way too stinkin' cute.
Outfit change #4: baptism dress. Handmade by grandma, using Mommy's wedding dress. I know, right?!

E with Mommy's camera. You think I'm good- my girl, H can rock a shutter button.
Daddy's drums... of which, she LOVES. Daddy AND his drums...she's minutes away from crowd surfing. Swear.
the fab five
these guys give big families a good name. just sayin'...
FIVE KIDS. count 'em. I loved the dynamic of the group. they all fit so well together. best part? Mom has some pretty amazing helpers in her three older children. did I mention Mom was like a week post-op? yeah. she's tough as nails...but she's given birth to these five beautes, so of course she is! slideshow is below- if you have children of your own, grap a tissue (or your sleeve. I'm all about that.), Mom chose the song; it's one dedicated to her five amazing kids.
big love to my fab five. you all RoCk my sOcKs.

FIVE KIDS. count 'em. I loved the dynamic of the group. they all fit so well together. best part? Mom has some pretty amazing helpers in her three older children. did I mention Mom was like a week post-op? yeah. she's tough as nails...but she's given birth to these five beautes, so of course she is! slideshow is below- if you have children of your own, grap a tissue (or your sleeve. I'm all about that.), Mom chose the song; it's one dedicated to her five amazing kids.
big love to my fab five. you all RoCk my sOcKs.

it's magic
A few months back, I held a Fan contest. My sweet friend, R won! It was such a treat meeting her family. They make my heart happy. They have a crazy, fun time together and the love between all of them is breathtaking. R has three extremely sweet men in her life, of which she soooo deserves, and I am so happy for her! There were a ton of great shots of these guys, so I've included their slideshow below. The song I picked describes this family to a tee!!! Thanks, R & G for allowing me to share these moments with you! Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
a dude and his strings...
I'm not sure I can put into words how much fun this shoot was. Dude was a champ. He walked through mud, climbed on roofs and put on his best rockstar face imaginable. PLUS I got to listen to him rock out through the entire session. It was fabulous. I've included a link to the slideshow, to which, of course, I put to one of my favorite songs that he plays oh so well. Look out Jon Bon Jovi....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
sweet 'tinker E and big cousin B...
I've been busy...like, really busy. But good busy. And the 5 shoots in the next 4 days will leave me up to my eyeballs in edits. Which I think is simply fabulous. My kids and that part of my brain that pokes me IN the eyeball about rest? Yeah, prolly not. But, really, who cares when you get to photograph little darlings like this! (And the "who cares" refers to my eyeball poking brain. Certainly not my four precious, well-behaved, patient children... psha!) Enjoy!

Monday, April 5, 2010
la belle bump
what fun we had doing these baby bump pictures! these two are going to be such great parents. and for petes sakes--- they.are.gorgeous. (daddy is Pete. much pun intended.) daddy is also a Marine. I loved including his gear into the shoot... their excitement and love shines through like lightening; baby Lucas is one lucky boy. did I mention they were gorgeous?!

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