I've been called a glutton for punishment a time or two. I've had four children in five years and still the desire to have more lingers: a glutton. I've invited a guest list of 30 to my humble home and decided to spruce up the paint in my bathroom the night before: a glutton. I've worked full-time for a company that I enjoyed, led the nursery program at my church, took classes online to further my husband's education (an entirely different post), devoted time to my family and friends in their projects, worked "on-the-side" performing all sorts of tasks ranging from cleaning windows to decorating Christmas trees; fed, bathed and loved on four children daily for the last six years and have now decided to pursue a photography career: a glutton.
Call it what you will, but in my gluttony I've found principal, passion and peace. Not to say that I've got it all figured out, because in reality, I've got more grey hairs than any almost 29-year-old should have, but it works!
So, here's to lighting yet another candle, of which I'm certain will burn at both ends; turning over yet another rock, of which I'm bound to find worms; and dipping my hand into yet another cup of this deadly sin. (I might add that I've made many vows to the Big Man that all my work is for His Glory, so I use the term "sin" lightly. :)) But, my friends, most importantly, here's to the pictures!!!
*Dolly Parton, 9 to 5
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