
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

playing dress up with my little angel....

...makes for super cute photos :)

the "Jump-O-Line"

it just wouldn't be right for me to have a blog and not brag on my own every now and again... these kids of mine have had a massive case of cabin fever. massive. so, to help with this, we had Christmas in March! my parents had gotten them a trampoline for Christmas (to which Joshua calls a "jump-o-line") and we were able to assemble it last week. well, my dad and brother were. and they did fabulous. and we have fun. LOTS.OF.FUN.

Friday, March 19, 2010

drum roll, please.....

Thank you to everyone who added Fans!!! We more than doubled the original count! After much sorting and counting and sorting and counting, I just entered everyone's names into the list randomizer ( and we have a winner! Before I tell you who it is, I'd like to give mad props to those who rocked out with Suggestions...

Carla- 38
Rich- 32
Dana- 22
Andie- 20
Rachel- 18
Jeff- 13

So, I've copied and pasted the Random List Below.... so that you know I'm legit. It even has a time and date stamp, folks. It's the real deal.

Is the suspense killing you?! Drum roll, pleeeeeeaasseeee.............

The winner is.....


Whoohoo!!! Congrats, Rachel! Email me and we'll work out the details!

But wait! There's more!! Because I totally appreciate a certain lady who really went over the top, (she even had a man ask her to quit suggesting "the photo shop" to him. yeah. you can check her page. the proof is in the puddin'.)

So, MISS CARLA, due to your insane 38 referrals, you, too, WIN a free shoot!! Yaaay!! Email me and we'll work out the details, as well.

Thanks again, everyone. You rock my socks. Big love to you all.

List Randomizer
There were 26 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Timestamp: 2010-03-19 23:48:29 UTC

Thursday, March 18, 2010

go on, take the money and run...*


Book a session before March 31st and receive 15% off Creative Fees! (The shoot does not have to take place before March 31st.)

ONE MORE DAY to enter NLP's Fan Contest on Facebook! Details can be found under Discussions on FB Page. The Contest ends tomorrow at noon and the winner will be announced HERE! Good Luck!

*Steve Miller Band, Take The Money And Run

Sunday, March 14, 2010

when love takes you in...

oh my heart sings for joy!!! this was, without a doubt, my most memorable moment behind a lens. my good friends H & L had waited years to hold baby E in their arms. it was a long and winding road, but God delivered. and He delivered BIG. I had the honor to be at the airport when their flight from China had landed. the lump in my throat comes back each time I think about it. my heart skips beats. my blood rushes. my eyes well... it's sweeter than chocolate, folks. and so is she... I heart her. I've included the link to the video montage of their arrival at the bottom of the post. grab a tissue. or just use your sleeve like my kids do.

sugar & spice, & everything nice...

I get to squeeze this baby girl every Sunday at Church. I'm lucky; I know. Miss P wasn't real happy about her first shoot with NLP. She had way more important things to, say, sleep. But she was a sweet little bug and Mommy and Daddy were champs.

i want to run the halls...

This was my first senior shoot. I'll admit it. I was scared. It wasn't THAT long ago when ol' NLP was getting her senior pictures done, so the image of what could be was certainly still there... S was a gem. A complete gem. This chick has it together and is a beauty, no doubt.

class act

P & C are dudes. hands down. they're dudes. are you kidding me with those hats?! they play a mean air guitar and white boys got rhythm. total heart breakers. just sayin...

and they'll live happily ever after...

I had so much fun with these two love birds. They rocked my socks.

snips & snails, & puppy dog tails...

Could baby K & baby L be any cuter?! I just love these two little boys...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

pour myself a cup of ambition...*

I've been called a glutton for punishment a time or two. I've had four children in five years and still the desire to have more lingers: a glutton. I've invited a guest list of 30 to my humble home and decided to spruce up the paint in my bathroom the night before: a glutton. I've worked full-time for a company that I enjoyed, led the nursery program at my church, took classes online to further my husband's education (an entirely different post), devoted time to my family and friends in their projects, worked "on-the-side" performing all sorts of tasks ranging from cleaning windows to decorating Christmas trees; fed, bathed and loved on four children daily for the last six years and have now decided to pursue a photography career: a glutton.

Call it what you will, but in my gluttony I've found principal, passion and peace. Not to say that I've got it all figured out, because in reality, I've got more grey hairs than any almost 29-year-old should have, but it works!

So, here's to lighting yet another candle, of which I'm certain will burn at both ends; turning over yet another rock, of which I'm bound to find worms; and dipping my hand into yet another cup of this deadly sin. (I might add that I've made many vows to the Big Man that all my work is for His Glory, so I use the term "sin" lightly. :)) But, my friends, most importantly, here's to the pictures!!!

*Dolly Parton, 9 to 5